Investing in America’s
Modern Main Street
The nation's largest owner of Walmart Shadow Centers in small-town America.

Discovering an Overlooked Asset Class in Small Town America

Scaling in Small Towns
Small towns possess proven resilience and recession-proof fundamentals, without the volatility and complexity of larger markets.
Investing in
Shadow Centers

A Hub for
The properties next to Walmart Shadow Centers are the modern Main Street of small towns- where America dines, shops, and fulfills its daily needs. We’re helping brands scale in small towns by buying and improving this overlooked asset class.
A Focused Team for
We’ve built a team specialized for managing and scaling this asset class. Our platform and track record allow us to provide a superior experience for our tenants, a stable property portfolio for our investors, and one point of contact for brands ready to scale in small town America.

MRP News
Then and Now: How We Leverage the Increasing Amounts of Data
When we first started buying commercial real estate 15 years ago, our process looked a lot different than it does today. Our 15 year head start positions us as the experts of small town America. When retailers want to scale in small towns they know that we are the right partner to help them achieve that goal.
Adding Value to an Overlooked Property in Small-town Ohio – It’s What We Do
In 2019, we recognized a tremendous opportunity to acquire a distressed center in Logan, Ohio. Logan Commons is the perfect example of how we leverage our expertise and relationships to add significant value to an overlooked center.
The Unsexy Strategy that Created an Asset Class of Our Own
At Midwest Retail Properties (MRP), our real estate journey didn’t take the conventional path. Our approach was not grandiose or ostentatious; it was practical, rooted in the daily needs of small-town communities. This article unveils how the seemingly unsexy yet foolproof model of focusing on the daily needs of small communities became the cornerstone of our success.